Terms and Conditions

Existe a disposición de los Sres. Consumidores el preceptivo contrato de viaje combinado y aceptación de las Condiciones Generales.


Las presentes Condiciones Generales están sujetas a lo dispuesto en la ley 21/1995, de 6 de Julio, de viajes combinados (BOE 7-7-1995), la Ley 7/1998, de 13 de Abril, sobre Condiciones Generales de Contratación (14-4-98) y en la Ley 26/1984, de 19 de Julio, General para la Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios (BOE 24-7-84) y al Real Decreto-ley 23/2018, de 21 de diciembre, de transposición de directivas en materia de marcas, transporte ferroviario y viajes combinados y servicios de viaje vinculados y el resto de disposiciones vigentes.


Las presentes disposiciones regulan el uso del servicio del sitio web o portal de Internet www.gastrocult.com (en adelante el "sitio web" y/o "la Plataforma") que FoodieStay, S.L. (en adelante FoodieStay) pone a disposición de los usuarios de Internet. En cumplimiento del deber de información general previsto en la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico, le informamos que los datos identificativos del responsable del sitio web son los siguientes: FoodieStay tiene su domicilio social en la calle Fuencarral nº 104, 2D, 28004 Madrid, España y C.I.F. número B-87804530, y está inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Madrid, Tomo 36.051, Folio 80, Sección 8, Hoja M-647.828. Teléfono: +34 910381210. Correo electrónico: foodiestay@gmail.com.

La existencia de enlaces en el sitio web de FoodieStay no representa ningún tipo de relación entre FoodieStay y los propietarios de las páginas web a las que se puede acceder a través de ellos, y salvo que se indique expresamente lo contrario, es meramente informativa y en ningún caso supone una sugerencia, invitación o recomendación sobre los mismos. FoodieStay desconoce los contenidos y servicios de los enlaces y, por tanto, no se hace responsable de los daños producidos por la ilicitud, calidad, desactualización, indisponibilidad, error e inutilidad de los contenidos y/o servicios de los enlaces o de cualquier otro daño que no sea directamente imputable a FoodieStay. FoodieStay podrá retirar unilateralmente los enlaces que aparecen en su página web en cualquier momento. En estos casos, FoodieStay actúa como prestador de servicios de intermediación de conformidad con el artículo 17 de la Ley 34/2002, de 12 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (\"LSSI\") y sólo será responsable de los contenidos y servicios suministrados en los enlaces en la medida en que tenga conocimiento efectivo de la ilicitud y no haya desactivado el enlace con la debida diligencia. En el caso de que el Usuario considere que existe un enlace con contenidos ilícitos o inadecuados, podrá notificarlo a FoodieStay, de acuerdo con la cláusula de notificación de estas Condiciones Generales, sin que dicha notificación implique la obligación de retirar el correspondiente enlace."


3.1. El precio del Viaje Combinado incluye:

  • a) El transporte de ida y regreso, cuando este servicio esté incluido en el programa/oferta contratado, con el tipo de transporte, características y categorías que conste en el contrato o en la documentación que se entrega al consumidor en el momento de suscribirlo.
  • b) El alojamiento, cuando este servicio esté incluido en el programa/oferta contratado, en el establecimiento y con el régimen alimenticio que figura en el contrato o en la documentación que se entrega al consumidor en el momento de suscribirlo.
  • c) Las tasas o impuestos de los establecimientos hoteleros y los impuestos indirectos -Impuesto sobre el valor añadido (IVA), Impuesto General Indirecto Canario (IGIC), etc.- cuando sean aplicables, siempre y cuando no este especificado lo contrario.
  • d) La asistencia técnica durante el viaje, cuando este servicio esté específicamente incluido en el programa/oferta contratado. En ocasiones se indica en mínimo de asistentes para disponer de acompañante.
  • e) Todos los demás servicios y complementos que se especifiquen concretamente en el programa/oferta contratado o expresamente se hagan constar en el contrato de viaje combinado.

3.2 Revisión de precios:

El precio de viaje combinado ha sido calculado en base a los tipos de cambio, tarifas de transporte, coste del carburante y tasas e impuestos aplicables en la fecha de edición del programa/web o de las posteriores que, en su caso, se hayan hecho públicas de forma impresa.

Cualquier variación del precio de los citados elementos podrá dar lugar a la revisión del precio final del viaje.

Estas modificaciones serán notificadas al consumidor, por escrito o por cualquier medio que permita tener constancia de la modificación efectuada pudiendo, cuando la modificación sea significativa, desistir del viaje, sin penalización alguna, o aceptar la modificación del contrato.

En ningún caso, se revisará al alza en los veinte días anteriores a la fecha de salida del viaje, respecto de solicitudes ya realizadas.

3.3 Ofertas especiales:

Cuando se realice la contratación del viaje combinado como consecuencia de ofertas especiales, de última hora equivalentes, a precio distinto del expresado en el programa/web, los servicios comprendidos en el precio son únicamente aquellos que se especifican detalladamente en la oferta, aun cuando, dicha oferta haga referencia a algunos de los programas descritos en esta web, siempre que dicha remisión se realice a los exclusivos efectos de información general del destino.

3.4 Exclusiones

  • a) El precio del Viaje Combinado no incluye:
    Visados, tasas de aeropuerto, y/o tasas de entrada y salida, certificado de vacunación, “extras” tales como cafés, licores, aguas minerales, regímenes alimenticios especiales –ni siquiera en los supuestos de pensión completa o media pensión, salvo que expresamente se pacte en el contrato otra cosa-, lavado y planchado de ropa, servicios de hoteles opcionales y, en general, cualquier otro servicio que no figure expresamente en el contrato o en la documentación que se entrega al consumidor al suscribirlo.
  • b) Excursiones o visitas facultativas:
    En el caso de excursiones o visitas facultativas no contratadas en el origen, debe tenerse presente que no forman parte del contrato de viaje combinado. Su publicación en la web tiene mero carácter informativo y el precio está expresado con el indicativo de “estimado”. Por ello, en el momento de contratarse en el lugar de destino, pueden producirse variaciones sobre costes, que alteren el precio estimado. Por otra parte, dichas excursiones serán ofrecidas al consumidor con sus condiciones específicas y precio definitivo de forma independiente, no garantizándose hasta el momento de su contratación la posible realización de las mismas.
  • c) Propinas
    Dentro del viaje combinado no están incluidas las propinas. En el caso de los cruceros, en el precio del viaje no está incluida una aportación complementaria que usualmente, aunque de forma errónea, suele denominarse propina, cuyo importe está en función de la duración del viaje y que tiene como único destinatario al personal del servicio, respecto de la cual al inicio del viaje se advierte al cliente que debe asumir el compromiso de entregar a la finalización del viaje.


En el acto de la inscripción, la Agencia podrá requerir la totalidad del dorsal de la prueba deportiva y un anticipo que en ningún caso será superior al 40% del importe total, expidiendo el correspondiente recibo en el que se especifique, además del importe solicitado. El importe restante deberá realizarse al menos siete días antes de la fecha de salida.

De no procederse el pago del total del viaje en las condiciones señaladas, se entenderá que el consumidor desiste del viaje solicitado, siéndole de aplicación las condiciones previstas en el apartado siguiente.

En el supuesto que antes de la celebración del contrato el organizador se vea imposibilitado a prestar algunos de los servicios del cliente (incluido en precio), deberá serle comunicado a través de la Agencia Minorista al consumidor, el cual podrá renunciar a su solicitud recuperando exclusivamente las cantidades anticipadas si las hubiere.

Todos los reembolsos que sean procedentes por cualquier concepto, se formalizarán siempre a través de la agencia detallista donde se hubiera realizado la inscripción, no efectuándose devolución alguna por servicios no utilizados voluntariamente por el consumidor.


En todo momento el usuario o consumidor pueden desistir de los servicios solicitados o contratados, teniendo derecho a la devolución de las cantidades que hubiera abonado, tanto si se trata del precio total como del anticipo previsto en el apartado precedente, que deberá indemnizar a la agencia por los conceptos que a continuación se indican.

  • a) En el caso de servicios sueltos: la totalidad de los gastos de gestión, más los gastos de anulación, si se hubieran producido estos últimos.
  • b) En el caso de viajes combinados y salvo que el desistimiento se produzca por causa de fuerza mayor:
    I. Los gastos de gestión más los gastos de anulación, si los hubiere.
    II. Una penalización, consistente en el 5% del total del viaje si el desistimiento se produce con más de diez días y menos de quince de antelación a la fecha de comienzo del viaje; el 15% entre los días 3 y 10, y el 25% dentro de las 48 horas anteriores a la salida.
    De no presentarse a la hora prevista para la salida, no tendrá derecho a devolución alguna de la cantidad abonada, salvo acuerdo entre las partes en otro sentido.

En el caso de que alguno de los servicios contratados y anulados estuviera sujeto a condiciones económicas especiales de contratación, tales como flete de aviones, buque, tarifas especiales, etc., los gastos de anulación por desistimiento se establecerán de acuerdo con las condiciones acordadas por ambas partes.

El consumidor del viaje combinado podrá ceder su reserva a una tercera persona, solicitándolo por escrito con quince días de antelación a la fecha de inicio del viaje, salvo que las partes pacten un plazo menor en el contrato.

El cesionario tendrá que reunir los mismos requisitos que tenía el cedente, exigidos con carácter general para el viaje combinado, y ambos responderán solidariamente ante las Agencias de Viajes del pago del precio del viaje y de los gastos adicionales justificados de la cesión. En los casos que el organizador condicione, y así lo especifique expresamente, la viabilidad de la oferta de viaje combinado cuenta con un mínimo de participantes y por no alcanzarse ese número, se produzca la anulación del viaje, el usuario tendrá derecho exclusivamente al reembolso del total del precio o de las cantidades anticipadas, sin que pueda reclamar cantidad alguna en concepto de indemnización, siempre y cuando la Agencia se lo haya notificado por escrito con un mínimo de diez días de antelación a la fecha prevista de inicio del viaje.

En la aplicación del párrafo anterior, y puesto que en estos viajes existen servicios sujetos a condiciones económicas especiales, los gastos de anulación por desistimiento serán: 100% si el billete hubiese sido emitido ya que este tipo de tarifas no son reembolsables, independientemente que hubiese sido cancelado con más de siete días de antelación.

La Agencia de Viajes se compromete a facilitar a sus clientes la totalidad de los servicios contratados contenidos en el programa/oferta que ha dado origen al contrato combinado, con las condiciones y características estipuladas, todo ello de acuerdo a los siguientes extremos:

  • a) En el supuesto de que, antes de la salida del viaje, el organizador se vea obligado a modificar de manera significativa algún elemento esencial del contrato, incluido el precio, deberá ponerlo inmediatamente en conocimiento del consumidor, bien directamente, cuando actúe como detallista, bien a través del respectivo detallista en los demás casos.
  • b) En tal supuesto, y salvo que las partes convengan otra cosa, el consumidor podrá optar entre resolver el contrato sin penalización alguna o aceptar una modificación del contrato en el que se precisen las variaciones introducidas y repercusión en el precio. El consumidor deberá comunicar la decisión que adopte al detallista o, en su caso, el Organizador dentro de los tres días siguientes a ser notificado de la modificación que se refiere el apartado a). En el supuesto de que el consumidor no notifique su decisión en los términos indicados, se entenderá que opta por la resolución del contrato sin penalización alguna.
  • c) En el supuesto de que el consumidor opte por resolver el contrato, al amparo de lo previsto en el apartado b), o de que el organizador cancele el viaje combinado antes de la fecha de salida acordada, por cualquier motivo que no le sea imputable al consumidor, éste tendrá derecho, desde el momento en que se produzca la resolución del contrato, al reembolso de todas las cantidades pagadas con arreglo al mismo, o bien a la realización de otro viaje combinado de calidad equivalente o superior, siempre que el Organizador o Detallista pueda proponérselo. En el supuesto de que el viaje ofrecido fuera de calidad inferior, el Organizador o el Detallista deberán reembolsar al consumidor, cuando proceda, en función de las cantidades ya desembolsadas, la diferencia de precio con arreglo al contrato. Este mismo derecho corresponderá al consumidor que no obtuviese información de la reserva en los términos estipulados en el contrato.
  • d) En los anteriores supuestos, el Organizador y el Detallista serán responsables del pago al consumidor de la indemnización que, en su caso, corresponda por incumplimiento del contrato, que será del 5% del precio total del viaje contratado si el citado incumplimiento se produce entre los siete y quince días inmediatamente anteriores a la fecha prevista de realización del viaje; el 10% si se produce entre los siete días y tres días anteriores y el 25% en el supuesto de que el incumplimiento citado se produzca en las 48 horas anteriores.
  • e) No existirá obligación de indemnizar en los siguientes supuestos:
    I. Cuando la cancelación se deba a que el número de personas inscritas para el viaje combinado sea inferior al exigido y así se comunique por escrito al consumidor antes de la fecha límite fijada para tal fin en el contrato.
    II. Cuando la cancelación del viaje, salvo en los supuestos de excesos de reservas, se deba a motivos de fuerza mayor, entendiendo por tales aquellas circunstancias ajenas a quien las invoca, anormales e imprevisibles, cuyas consecuencias no habrían podido evitarse, a pesar de haber actuado con la diligencia debida.
  • f) En el caso de que, después de la salida del viaje, el Organizador no suministre o compruebe que no puede suministrar una parte importante de los servicios previstos contratados, adoptará las soluciones adecuadas para la continuación del viaje organizado, sin suplemento alguno de precio para el consumidor y, en su caso, abonará a este último el importe de la diferencia entre las prestaciones previstas y las suministradas. Si el consumidor continúa el viaje con las soluciones aportadas por el Organizador, se considerará que acepta tácitamente dicha propuesta.
  • g) Si las soluciones adoptadas por el Organizador fueran inviables o el consumidor no las aceptase por motivos razonables, aquel deberá facilitar a éste sin suplemento alguno de precio, un medio de transporte equivalente al utilizado en el viaje para regresar al lugar de salido o cualquier otro que ambos hubieran convenido, sin perjuicio de la indemnización que en su caso proceda.
    h) En caso de reclamación, el Detallista o, en su caso el Organizador, deberá obrar con diligencia para hallar soluciones adecuadas.
  • i) En ningún caso, todo aquello no incluido en el contrato de viaje combinado (como por ejemplo billetes de transporte desde el lugar de origen del pasajero hasta el lugar de salida del viaje, o viceversa, reservas de hotel en días previos y/o posteriores al viaje, etc.) será responsabilidad del Organizador, no existiendo obligación de indemnizar por esos posibles gastos de servicios independientes en caso de que el viaje se cancele por las causas previstas en el apartado e).


El consumidor está obligado a comunicar todo incumplimiento en la ejecución del contrato –preferentemente o, en otro caso, con la mayor brevedad posible- por escrito o en cualquier otra forma en que quede constancia, al Organizador o al Detallista y, en su caso, al prestador del servicio de que se trate. En el caso de que las soluciones arbitradas por la Agencia –Organizador o Detallista- no sean satisfactorias para el consumidor, este dispondrá del plazo de un mes para reclamar ante la Agencia detallista o el organizador, siempre a través de aquella. La agencia Detallista o el Organizador dispondrán de 45 días naturales para dar respuesta a la reclamación planteada por el consumidor, plazo que comenzará a contarse a partir del día siguiente a la prestación de la reclamación ante la Agencia Detallista.


No obstante lo dispuesto en el apartado precedente, el plazo de prescripción de las acciones derivadas de los derechos reconocidos en la Ley 21/95, de junio, reguladora de los Viajes Combinados (BOE 7-7-95) será de los dos años, según queda establecido en el Artículo 13 de la citada ley.


9.1. General
La Agencia de Viajes Organizadora y la Detallista vendedora final del viaje combinado responderán frente al consumidor, en función de las obligaciones que les correspondan por su ámbito respectivo de gestión del viaje combinado, del correcto cumplimiento de las obligaciones derivadas del contrato, con independencia de que éstas las deban ejecutar del derecho de los Organizadores y Detallistas a actuar contra dichos prestadores de servicios. El Organizador manifiesta que asume las funciones de organización y ejecución del viaje.

Los Organizadores y los Detallistas de viajes combinados responderán de los daños sufridos por el consumidor como consecuencia de la no ejecución o ejecución deficiente del contrato. Dicha responsabilidad cesará cuando ocurra alguna de las siguientes circunstancias:

  • a) Que los defectos observados en la ejecución del contrato sean imputables al consumidor.
  • b) Que dichos defectos sean imputables a un tercero al suministro de las prestaciones previstas en el contrato y revistan de carácter imprevisible o insuperable. Por lo tanto que se refiere a los daños que no sean corporales, éstos deberán ser siempre acreditados por el consumidor. En ningún caso la Agencia se responsabilizará de los gastos de alojamiento, manutención, transportes y otros que se originen por causas de fuerza mayor. Cuando el viaje se efectúe en autocares, “vans”, limusinas y similares contratados por la Agencia Organizadora directa o indirectamente, y ocurra un accidente, cualquiera que sea el país donde se produzca, el consumidor tendrá que presentar la pertinente reclamación contra la entidad del transportista en el respectivo país, a fin de salvaguardar, en su caso, la indemnización del seguro de ésta.
  • c) Que los defectos aludidos se deban a motivos de fuerza mayor, entendiendo por tales aquellas circunstancias ajenas a quien las invoca, anormales e imprevisibles cuyas consecuencias no habrían podido evitarse, a pesar de haber actuado con la diligencia debida.
  • d) Que los defectos se deban a un acontecimiento que el Detallista o, en su caso, el Organizador, a pesar de haber puesto toda la diligencia necesaria, no podía prever ni superar.
    No obstante, en los supuestos de exclusión de responsabilidad por darse alguna de las circunstancias previstas en los apartados b), c) y d), el Organizador y Detallista que sean partes en el contrato de viaje combinado estarán obligados a prestar la necesaria asistencia al consumidor que se encuentre en dificultades.

9.2. Límites del resarcimiento por daños
En cuanto al límite del resarcimiento por los daños que resulten del incumplimiento de la mala ejecución de las prestaciones incluidas en el viaje combinado, se estará a lo dispuesto en los Convenios Internacionales sobre la materia.


10.1. Dorsal e inscripciones deportivas
Debido a las especiales circunstancias y especialidades de dicho servicio, el dorsal o la inscripción deportiva no se considerará incorporado en el viaje combinado, la agencia no se hará responsable de las decisiones de los Organizadores y por lo tanto se tramitará como un servicio externo accesorio al viaje combinado.

10.2. Viajes de avión. Prestación en el aeropuerto
En los viajes en avión, la prestación en el aeropuerto se efectuará con un mínimo de hora y media en vuelos nacionales y 2 horas en vuelos internacionales, sobre el horario oficial de salida, y en todo caso se seguirán estrictamente las recomendaciones específicas que indique la documentación de servicios sueltos. Se recomienda que el cliente reconfirme con 48 horas de antelación los horarios de salida de los vuelos.

10.3. Hoteles

  • a) General- La calidad y contenido de los servicios prestados por el hotel vendrá determinada por la categoría turística oficial, si la hubiere, asignada por el órgano competente de su país. Dada la vigente legislación al respecto que establece sólo la existencia de habitaciones individuales y dobles permitiendo que en algunas de estas últimas pueda habilitarse una tercera cama, se hace con el conocimiento y consentimiento de las personas que ocupan la habitación.
    Esta tácita estimación deriva de la circunstancia cierta de haber sido advertidos previamente, así como de figurar reflejada la habitación como triple en todos los impresos de reservas facilitados al consumidor al abonar el anticipo, en el contrato y los billetes y/o documentación del viaje que se tenga simultáneamente a la firma del mismo. Igualmente en los casos de habitaciones dobles para uso de hasta cuatro personas, con cuatro camas, cuando así se especifique en la oferta del programa/web.
    El horario habitual para la entrada y salida en los hoteles está en función del primer y último servicio que el usuario vaya a utilizar. Como norma general y salvo que expresamente se pacte otra cosa en el contrato, las habitaciones podrán ser utilizadas a partir de las 14 horas del día de llegada y deberán quedar libres antes de las 12 horas del día de salida.
    Cuando el servicio contratado no incluya el acompañamiento permanente de guía y en el supuesto de que el usuario prevea su llegada al hotel o apartamento reservado en fechas u horas distintas a las reseñadas, es conveniente, para evitar problemas y malas interpretaciones, comunicar con la mayor anticipación posible tal circunstancia a la Agencia Organizadora, o al hotel o a los apartamentos directamente según los casos.
    Igualmente debe consultar a la Agencia, en el momento de hacer la reserva, la posibilidad de llevar animales, pues generalmente no son admitidos en los hoteles y apartamentos. En supuesto de haber confirmado la admisión de animales y se pretenda viajar con ellos, tal circunstancia deberá hacerse constar en el contrato. El servicio de alojamiento implicará que la habitación esté disponible en la noche correspondiente, entendiéndose prestado con independencia de que, por circunstancias propias del viaje combinado, el horario de entrada en el mismo se produzca más tarde de lo inicialmente planificado.
  • b) Otros servicios- En los vuelos cuya llegada al punto de destino se realice después de las 19 horas, el primer servicio del hotel será el alojamiento. Se entenderá siempre como trayecto aéreo directo aquel cuyo soporte documental sea un solo cupón de vuelo, con independencia de que el vuelo realice alguna parada técnica.
  • c) Servicios suplementarios- Cuando los usuarios soliciten servicios suplementarios (por ejemplo habitación vista al mar…) que no les puede ser confirmados definitivamente por la Agencia Organizadora, el usuario podrá optar por desistir definitivamente del servicio suplementario o mantener su solicitud a la espera de que tales servicios puedan ser finalmente prestados.
    En el supuesto de que las partes hubieran convenido el pago previo del precio de los servicios suplementarios que finalmente no le puedan ser prestados, el importe abonado le será reembolsado por la Agencia Detallista inmediatamente al desistimiento del servicio por parte del consumidor o al regreso del viaje, según el usuario haya optado por el desistimiento en la prestación del servicio suplementario solicitado o haya mantenido la solicitud.

10.4. Apartamentos
Al efectuar la reserva, el cliente es plena y exclusivamente responsable de hacer la declaración correcta del número de personas que ha de ocupar el apartamento, sin omitir niños independientemente de su edad.
Se advierte que la administración de los apartamentos puede legalmente negarse a admitir la entrada de aquellas personas no declaradas, no habiendo lugar a reclamación alguna por esa causa.
En algunos casos, hay posibilidad de habilitar cama/s supletoria/s o cunas, que deberán ser solicitadas por los clientes antes de perfeccionarse el contrato, y que salvo expresa mención en contrario, no estarán en el precio publicado del apartamento.

10.5. Condiciones económicas especiales para niños
Dada la diversidad del tratamiento de los niños dependiendo de su edad, del proveedor del servicio y de la fecha del viaje, se recomienda consultar siempre el alcance de las condiciones especiales que existan y que cada momento serán objeto de información concreta y detallada y se recogerá en el contrato o en la documentación del viaje que se entregue en el momento de su firma. En general, en cuanto al alojamiento, serán aplicadas siempre que el niño comparta la habitación con dos adultos.
En lo referente a estancias de menores en el extranjero se estará a la información facilitada puntualmente para cada caso o en la documentación del viaje que se entregue al suscribirlo.


Todos los usuarios sin excepción (niños incluidos) deberán llevar en regla su documentación personal y familiar correspondiente, sea el pasaporte o DNI según las leyes del país o países que visitan. Será por cuenta de los mismos cuando los viajes así lo requieran la obtención de visados, pasaportes, certificados de vacunación, etc. Caso de ser rechazada por alguna Autoridad la concesión de visados por causas particulares del usuario, o ser denegada su entrada en el país por carecer de los requisitos que se exigen, o por defecto en la documentación exigida, o por no ser portador de la misma; la Agencia Organizadora declina toda responsabilidad, siendo por cuenta del consumidor cualquier gasto que se origine, aplicándose en estas circunstancias las condiciones y normas establecidas para los supuestos de desistimiento voluntario de servicios. Se recuerda igualmente a todos los usuarios y, en especial a los que posean la nacionalidad distinta a la española, que deben asegurarse, antes de iniciar el viaje, de tener cumplidas todas las normas y requisitos aplicables en materia de visados a fin de poder entrar sin problemas en todos los países que vayan a visitarse. Los menores de 18 años deben llevar un permiso oficial escrito autorizado por sus padres o tutores, en previsión de que el mismo pueda ser solicitado por cualquier autoridad. A todos los efectos y en cuanto al transporte terrestre se refiere, se entenderá que el equipaje y demás enseres personales del usuario los conlleva consigo, cualquiera que sea la parte del vehículo en que vayan colocados, y que se transporta por cuenta y riesgo del usuario. Se recomienda a los usuarios que estén presentes en todas las manipulaciones de carga y descarga de los equipajes. En cuanto al transporte aéreo, ferroviario, marítimo o fluvial de equipaje, son de aplicación las condiciones de las compañías transportadoras, siendo el billete de pasaje el documento vinculante entre las citadas compañías y el pasajero. En el supuesto de sufrir algún daño o extravío el consumidor deberá presentar, en el acto, la oportuna reclamación a la Compañía de Transportes.


Se informa al consumidor que en el momento de normalización del contrato deberá recibir de la Agencia Detallista la información pertinente sobre la documentación específica necesaria para el viaje elegido, así como asesoramiento sobre la suscripción facultativa de un seguro que le cubra los gastos de cancelación y/o un seguro de asistencia que cubra los gastos de repatriación en casos de accidente, enfermedad o fallecimiento; e información de los riesgos probables implícitos al destino y viaje contratado, en cumplimiento de la Ley General de Defensa de Consumidores y Usuarios.

  • These provisions regulate the use of the service of the website or Internet portal www.gastrocult.com (hereinafter the "website" and/or "the Platform") that FoodieStay, S.L. (hereinafter FoodieStay) makes available to Internet users. In compliance with the duty of general information foreseen in the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, we inform you that the identification data of the person responsible for the website are the following FoodieStay has its registered office in Calle Fuencarral nº 104, 2D, 28004 Madrid, Spain and C.I.F. number B-87804530, and is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 36.051, Folio 80, Section 8, Page M-647.828. Telephone: +34 910381210. E-mail: foodiestay@gmail.com.

  • The website is owned by FoodieStay, and is made available, (1) on the one hand, to individual entrepreneurs (self-employed) or entrepreneurs using a commercial enterprise, whether public or private (hereinafter referred to as "Expert Users in gastronomy and culture" or "Hosts") who wish to offer, by uploading gastronomic experiences to the Platform, (hereinafter referred to as "the Gastronomic and Cultural Experience Offer(s)") to third parties who access the aforementioned Platform, and (2) on the other hand, the website is also made available to such third parties (hereinafter also referred to as "Users interested in the Gastronomic and Cultural Experience Offer(s)") so that they may contract directly with any of the Expert Users for the experiences offered by them. To do this, Expert Users must register on the Foodiestay Platform providing the requested information or through a support agent of the FoodieStay team. Once registered they will be able to upload to the Platform one or more Gastronomic Experience/s and/or Cultural Offer/s (from now on the "Gastronomic Expert Offer/s"). Users interested in the Gastronomic and Cultural Offer/s may register voluntarily or do so by contracting one or more of the Offers of a Gastronomic and Cultural Expert. The responsibility for the correct provision of the services offered and compliance with the obligations assumed in the Offer uploaded to the Platform will be exclusively that of the Gastronomic and Cultural Expert who undertakes to keep the Users who contracted the Gastronomic and Cultural Offer(s) unharmed, without any of the Users being able to claim Foodiestay for any discrepancies in the same. Foodiestay will collaborate in the possibility of an amicable solution between the referred Users, without committing itself to achieve an amicable solution. The present General Conditions of Use of the web contain the general conditions of contracting, which govern the relationship of Foodiestay with (i) the Expert Gastronomic and Cultural Users and (ii) with the Users interested in the Gastronomic Offer who contract the same, and have the aim of regulating the rights and obligations of each of the referred Users. The defined Expert Gastronomic Users, the Users interested in the Gastronomical Offer and in general any natural or legal person who uses the website or the Platform of Foodiestay even if they do not contract any experience or register as a Gastronomical Expert, are attributed the condition of user of the website and when accessing, navigating and using our website without a contract and/or making an offer, and/or making a reservation, they will be jointly defined as the "Users"); that by accessing the Platform you agree to have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions shown in this section of the website and that you are bound by these Conditions and our Data Protection Policy (see the following section), so if you do not agree with all the Conditions and the Data Protection Policy, you should not use this website.

  • FoodieStay may at any time modify these general conditions, as well as the general contracting conditions, and/or the particular conditions included, without prior notice, by including such modifications in this section of the website. Therefore, the User must read this Legal Notice carefully each time he or she intends to use the website, since the website and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice, as indicated, may be modified. The modifications introduced will only be applicable to the Users with respect to the orders made from the moment of their inclusion in the website. Some services of the website accessible to Users may be subject to particular conditions which, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice, although for their application they must be communicated to and accepted by the User before the corresponding service is provided.

  • All the contents of the web site, understanding by these, as a mere example, the designs, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as its graphic design and source codes (from now on, the "Contents"), are the intellectual property of FoodieStay or third parties, and none of the exploitation rights recognised by the current legislation on intellectual property can be understood to have been transferred to the User, except those that are strictly necessary for the use of the web site. The brands, commercial names or distinctive signs owned by FoodieStay or third parties, do not attribute any right over them by the fact of accessing the website, and in no case will it be understood that any license is granted or any renunciation, transmission, total or partial cession of such rights is made, nor is any right or expectation of right conferred, and in particular, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of such contents without FoodieStay's prior express written authorisation. No link may be established to this website from any other website without the prior express consent of FoodieStay.

  • 5.1 Service availability

    Access to the website requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport via telecommunications networks, the reliability, quality, continuity and operation of which is not the responsibility of FoodieStay. Consequently, the services provided through this website may be suspended, cancelled or become inaccessible to Users due to causes beyond the control of FoodieStay, which is not responsible for such imponderables, nor for damages of any nature caused to the User as a result of failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that lead to the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the website service during the provision of the same or prior to its use.

    5.2. Quality of service on the Internet

    Access to the website does not imply an obligation on the part of FoodieStay to check for viruses, worms or other harmful computer elements. It is in any case the responsibility of the user to have adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs. FoodieStay is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of the users or third parties during the provision of the service of the portal.

    5.3 Regarding the links on the website

    The existence of links on the FoodieStay website does not represent any kind of relationship between FoodieStay and the owners of the websites that can be accessed through them, and unless expressly stated otherwise, it is merely informative and in no way implies a suggestion, invitation or recommendation about them. FoodieStay is not aware of the contents and services of the links and, therefore, is not responsible for the damages produced by the illegality, quality, non-updating, unavailability, error and uselessness of the contents and/or services of the links or any other damage that is not directly attributable to FoodieStay. FoodieStay may unilaterally withdraw the links that appear on its website at any time. In these cases, FoodieStay acts as an intermediary service provider in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002, of 12 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce ("LSSI") and will only be responsible for the content and services provided in the links to the extent that it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link with due diligence. In the event that the User considers that there is a link to illicit or inappropriate content, he may notify FoodieStay, in accordance with the notification clause of these General Conditions, without such notification implying an obligation to remove the corresponding link.

    5.4. With regard to the protection of personal data

    FoodieStay is responsible for processing the data and personal information it collects from its users (customers). Being responsible for the processing means that it is the legal entity which, alone or with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing. In the section of this website entitled "Data Protection Policy", we provide all the necessary information in this area, among which, in addition to indicating the data controller, we refer to the purpose for which the personal data you provide will be processed, the reason why we are entitled to process it, the way in which we collect your data and the reason why. As well as their use, your rights as users and also explain (i) the processes we have put in place to protect your privacy, and (ii) any other issues required by law.

    5.5. Cookie policy

    In compliance with the provisions of Article 22.2 of the LSSI, FoodieStay will only use data storage and retrieval devices ("Cookies") when the user has given prior consent to do so in accordance with the indications in the corresponding pop-up window of the user's browser when the user first accesses the website and in accordance with the other terms and conditions established, at the time, in FoodieStay's Cookie Policy, which every user must be aware of.

  • All users undertake to comply with (a) these general conditions of use, (b) any special conditions that may be applicable, and (c) comply with any special warnings or instructions for use that may appear on them or on the website itself.

    The User must make lawful use of the services of this website in accordance with current legislation.

    The User guarantees that the activities they carry out through the website will be in accordance with the law, morality, public order, good customs and, in no case, will be offensive to the good name and commercial image of FoodieStay, other Users of the website or third parties.

    The Gastronomic and Cultural Expert User will use the appropriate diligence to fulfil his obligations with Foodiestay and with the nature of the services that the Gastronomic Expert offers in the Platform and the User interested in the Gastronomic Offer will also use the appropriate diligence both in the fulfilment of his obligations derived from the acceptance of any Gastronomic and Cultural Experience Offer and in the use of the services he enjoys, and none of them will carry out through the Platform or in the execution of the services offered by the same that puts them in contact, any action that causes damage or alterations to the contents or that prevents the proper functioning of the website, committing themselves expressly by the sole use of the same not to cause technical problems of any kind, not to transfer elements susceptible to carry computer viruses or to damage, interfere or intercept all or part of the website, as well as not to intervene or alter the electronic mail of other Users.

  • For the purposes of these General Conditions, and for any communication that may be necessary between FoodieStay and the User, the User must contact the Customer Service Department by e-mail (sending a message to foodiestay@gmail.com) or by written communication addressed to the Customer Service Department, Legal Department, of FoodieStay, calle Fuencarral nº 104, 28005, Madrid. Communications from FoodieStay to the User will be made according to the data provided by the User when placing an order through the GastroCult.com Platform. The User expressly accepts for all communications related to the use of the Platform, the use of email as a valid procedure for the transmission of such communications. It is the User's responsibility to keep the data provided in the creation of his account updated, especially the contact data provided for the management of orders.

  • In the event that any of the contents of these General Conditions of Use of the portal were to be declared totally or partially null and void, such declaration would only affect the content or the part of the content that was null and void, with the rest of the General Conditions remaining in force and the content or part of the content affected by not having been published, unless, as it is essential to these General Conditions, it affects them in an integral manner.

  • In the event that any of the contents of these General Conditions of Use of the portal were to be declared totally or partially null and void, such declaration would only affect the content or the part of the content that was null and void, with the rest of the General Conditions remaining in force and the content or part of the content affected by not having been published, unless, as it is essential to these General Conditions, it affects them in an integral manner.

  • 10.1 Terms and conditions for offering gastronomic experiences

    10.1.1 Registration as an Expert User of Gastronomic Experiences

    If you are interested in offering gastronomic experiences you can contact the FoodieStay sales team. Below you will find a link on the platform's homepage called "Offer an experience". By clicking on this link you will find the requirements to offer one or more gastronomic experiences on the Foodiestay platform. It is an essential requirement that you are an entrepreneur, either as a natural person (self-employed) or through a company, which has among its activities the provision of gastronomic and/or cultural services. You must also tell us, (i) in the case of a self-employed person, your name and surname, address, NIF and an email address, as well as a mobile phone number, with which we can contact you, and (ii) in the case of a public limited company or limited liability company, its name, its registered office, its legal representative, identifying the position it holds and its full name and surname, and also an email address, as well as a mobile phone number, with which we can contact you. By registering as a User of Gastronomic Experiences you are declaring that you comply with all the regulations relating to the activity in which the experience consists, in all areas, especially with the tourist, administrative (licences), labour and tax regulations, etc., obliging you to keep the User of your experience and/or Foodiestay free of any damage that may be suffered due to this non-compliance. You must also answer the following questions related to your experience as a gastronomic entrepreneur: How long have you been registered as an entrepreneur offering gastronomic and/or cultural experiences, how long have you been offering the gastronomic activity you want to offer, and (i) if you have official training, recognition or awards related to the gastronomic activity you will offer, (ii) if you have ever offered the activity on another platform, (iii) and any other reference to your experience as a provider of gastronomic services. Once you have provided us with your details or included them in the platform, if you are interested in showing your offer on the platform you must click on "I want to offer experiences", which means that you expressly accept all the terms and conditions of the platform. When you accept, you will be assigned a user number to facilitate management between users and between users and the platform. On this screen you can start the process of uploading the experiences you want to offer to the Platform. When making Gastronomic Offers on the Platform, the User knows and accepts that this does not tolerate discrimination, which is an obstacle for users who contract the offer and their family or friends. If this is the case, if you do not comply with this commitment, you will not be able to offer experiences on the Platform. If you do not comply with this obligation, you will not be able to offer gastronomic experiences with Foodiestay and your account may be cancelled. If you do so, all pending reservations will also be cancelled and you will not be able to offer experiences from our website. Before deciding whether to accept or reject a reservation request, please review the reasons for your decision to ensure that they are not based on prejudice. If the rejection is made in compliance with any legal obligation, you must indicate this when you announce your experience. You may not refuse a guest because of a disability. If the venue has accessibility difficulties for users with disabilities, you must indicate this in your announcement so that they are notified in advance. The user who offers the Gastronomic Experiences is obliged to accept the cancellation in the event of Force Majeure, with a refund of the amounts charged or waiving those that would correspond to him/her.

    10.1.2. Registration of premises and gastronomic experiences

    1. Search of the premises

    Once you have registered as a person or company on the Platform, you can register one or more premises that you have legally registered to provide gastronomic services, so that you can enter experiences that interest you at any given time. When you click on "Register a restaurant to provide gastronomic experience services" you will be asked for the address of the restaurant, the name of the restaurant and you will be able to include additional information about it (views, proximity to recommended tourist places, etc.)

    2. The registration of the offers of gastronomic experiences

    To be able to offer an experience, you must inform us or, if necessary, fill in the sections for which it is applicable:

    • "Designation of the gastronomic and/or cultural experience", this designation must be related to the experience and directly linked to it without misleading the users. Some examples of possible gastronomic experiences are given, but they are not limited to: "Lunch", "Dinner" "Lunch/Dinner Menu", "Brunch", "Tasting", "Workshop of [...]", "Cooking classes of [...]", "Dinner-Concert", "Romantic Dinner", etc.

    • Place registered by the Gastronomy Expert User and address of the same, where the Experience is offered

    • "Description of the characteristics of the gastronomic experience". In this section the characteristics of the experience named according to the previous section must be developed, indicating (i) if it has been created for a specific type of user, (ii) if there is a minimum or maximum size of the group of people who will contract the experience, (iii) the starting time of the experience and its approximate duration must also be indicated, and (iv) the minimum period of notice for a user to contract the experience must also be indicated.

    • "Period of validity of the offer" and "Actual days of the week for the recruitment of the experience" (e.g. closed on Mondays due to staff rest).

    • "Price applicable to the offer", indicating whether a plurality of persons are affected by the price per person, and whether the price for children applies (children under 12 are considered as such). Children under 3 years of age will not generate any cost and may attend free of charge.

    • "Value added tax/VAT", applicable to the price offered in the previous section, and

    • "Price with VAT", sum of the two previous concepts for all the contracted participants.

    • It is mandatory to upload a photo related to the experience offered, as well as to provide keywords about it. You can choose any of the drawings designed by the Platform to group experiences. It is important to complete them to facilitate the searches of the Users.

    • Unless expressly stated in the description of the gastronomic and cultural experience, users do not have to bring anything with them on the day of the experience. Users may come with minor children if they have been authorized to do so.

    • The language that will appear when you view your Platform Experience will be the one that you have predetermined on the home page, although you can add your own translation to other languages. Foodiestay can, but is not obliged to, translate any of the experiences offered into another language(s). In case they are described in more than one language, users will be able to apply filters to find the experiences in the language they prefer.

    • Unless there is a justified explanation, users will meet you at the address of the registered premises. Make sure it is an easy place to find, and if not, make clarifications in the description of the experience.

    • Unless there is a justified explanation, users will meet you at the address of the registered premises. Make sure it is an easy place to find, and if not, make clarifications in the description of the experience.

    • You will have to ask users for the corresponding identification documents, as well as confirmation of the reservation on the mobile phone

    • Foodiestay will review your offer on the Platform and place it there.

    10.1.3. Fees to be satisfied by users with expertise in gastronomy

    The Gastronomy Expert User, when registering and offering gastronomic experiences, accepts that Foodiestay, S.L. will apply one of the following modalities: 1. Freemium model: Experiences can be offered at zero cost but FoodieStay will take 10% of the amounts plus VAT that the registered Expert is entitled to invoice the User for the gastronomic and cultural offers. This percentage remunerates the holder of the Platform for the services provided to the Gastronomic Expert User as a marketing tool for his experiences, as well as for the coordination of the offers accepted and the Users of the same. Premium Model: the Gastronomic and Cultural Expert will be able to offer experiences at no cost, invoicing 4% for each experience sold. The Premium model includes the publication of an article in the GastroCult Blog about the expert's services with photos and a link to his experience for promotion, as well as the publication of a podcast about his company/services. The Premium model obliges the Gastronomic and Cultural expert to a subscription of 200 ? per month, without any permanence. 3. Exclusive model: free promotion of experiences, 0% commission for the sale of experiences, publication of articles in the Blog with a link to the experiences, publication of podcasts and videos. The monthly subscription is 300 ? and has no permanence. Foodiestay, S.L. will be in charge of charging, through the Platform, with a minimum advance of forty-eight hours the amounts that correspond to the provision of the service. In the event that the User does not access the Experience, he will notify the Gastronomy Expert User so that he can consider the reservation cancelled and not provide the service of the Experience contracted. Once the User has paid for the Experience, Foodiestay will transfer the net amount due within 24 hours of providing the service of the contracted Experience, after deducting the aforementioned percentage and its VAT. The Expert User must issue the corresponding invoice to the User of the Experience for the total price plus VAT. Foodiestay will issue an invoice to the Gastronomic Expert User for the agreed percentage plus VAT, which will be considered as charged with the previous deduction of the price entered by the User of the Experience for payment to the Gastronomic Expert User. This percentage will be applicable, unless the parties expressly modify it, for a maximum period of one year, so that after this period Foodiestay can negotiate a different amount for each of the following annuities. In the absence of agreement between Foodiestay and the Gastronomic Expert User, either party may terminate this contract by expiry of the initial period agreed, without any claim being made, except for the amount owed between the parties for the offer and acceptance and performance of previously formalised gastronomic experiences.

  • 10.2. Terms and conditions for purchasing Gastronomic Experience offers from Gastronomic Experience users

    10.2.1. Background information

    The procedures for contracting the Gastronomic Experiences service offered from the Platform are those referred to in these Conditions of Purchase or those indicated on the screen during navigation and the purchase process, so that the Gastronomic Experiences User declares to know and accept these procedures as necessary to access the services offered on the Platform. To access the Foodiestay Platform it is not necessary for the User to register, although it is possible to do so voluntarily and, in any case, this registration must be made in order to accept the Gastronomic and Cultural Experience Offers through this Platform or website, under the terms indicated below. The User of Gastronomic Offers knows and accepts that, despite placing an order through this Platform, his contractual relationship is directly with the Expert User in experiences that would have provided him with the specific experience contracted, so that any breach of the conditions agreed in the offer will be the responsibility of the offering User with respect to the User who accepted the offer, with the exception of the Exemption from Responsibility of the Expert User in gastronomy [there is a link to a document at the end of this title]. All this, without prejudice to the rights of claims of Foodiestay against the defaulting User, also being able to reimburse the amount advanced by the User of the offer in case of not being able to make the corresponding experience. In case of partial compliance, it will be agreed by the Users and in the absence of such agreement the corresponding authorities will determine it. The User of the gastronomic experiences offered on this Platform agrees:

    • Use this website only and exclusively to accept legally valid offers (orders).
    • Do not make any acceptance or order of a false or fraudulent offer. If such an order could reasonably be considered to have been placed, we shall be entitled to cancel it, inform the relevant authorities and claim damages from you.
    • Please provide us with your contact details, which, being true and accurate, are necessary for the management of the orders, and keep them updated. These data will be provided by Foodiestay to the Gastronomy Expert User who makes the offer of experiences. If you do not provide us with all the information we need, your order will not be processed. The questions included in each of the forms are voluntary, except those marked with an asterisk (*) which are obligatory.
    • By placing an order through this website, you declare that you are over 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into contracts.
    • Gastronomic experiences are marketed to the maximum number of groups indicated in the description of each gastronomic experience.
    • The process to initiate the acceptance of an offer and therefore place an order is initiated by the User interested in any Gastronomic Experience Offer by clicking on the Platform's home page where the legend "Available Gastronomic Offers" will appear. The same will appear and the user will be able to apply certain filters and when he wants to click on any of the referred Offers to obtain the information, characteristics and conditions of the same. In order to proceed with the acquisition of the right to enjoy each of the different gastronomic experiences, the User must follow all the indications and instructions that appear on each screen, and where appropriate provide the data necessary to manage their order, determining in each form the data that are mandatory for the purchase process. If interested, the User of Gastronomic Offers, in one of them may click on the legend "Special Conditions". This will allow the user to enter the basic data for acceptance: (i) Name and surname, (ii) Address, (iii) Tax Identification Number, (iv) Number of people who will attend the experience, indicating their name and surname. The number of people attending must be within the minimum and maximum limits offered, indicating separately those under 12 years of age (if they have a reduced price) and those under 2 years of age (for whom attendance will be free); (v) telephone number and e-mail address to be contacted in the event of any incident, and (vi) selection of the day on which the gastronomic experience will be held. Once the date has been selected, you will be able to access the button with the name "Price calculation and acceptance", which will provide you with the total cost of the Gastronomic Experience with the applicable VAT breakdown. At that time you will be able to choose between (i) contracting or (ii) withdrawing acceptance of the Offer. Withdrawal of acceptance can be made by clicking on the "Return" link. On the other hand, if you are interested in hiring the selected experience you must click on the term "Finish/Accept". Once the order is completed and accepted, the process of purchasing the gastronomic experience is considered confirmed, and the experiences acquired will be listed. The user is responsible for reviewing and confirming the experiences and the prices applied. The steps for payment by credit card will also appear on the corresponding screen, with the information requested from the card holder, after which he or she can click on "Approve payment" and make the payment. As soon as we receive the payment, you will receive a message confirming the payment and the reservation. You can get a full refund if you cancel up to 6 hours before the scheduled start of the experience. The User, once paid for the Gastronomic Experience, may modify the date and time of the experience up to 6 hours before the scheduled date. In case of Force Majeure, in the terms referred to in the Platform, you can cancel the reservation within the 6 hours prior to the start contacting +34619142327 or writing an email to experience@gastrocult.com. We could ask you for documentation.
    • All orders are subject to the availability of the chosen gastronomic experiences on the dates desired by the user. If there are any difficulties in carrying out the experience, GastroCult will contact the User to inform him/her, offer him/her an alternative product and, if necessary, reimburse the amount paid. The user may cancel the contracted experience within 48 hours of contracting it without having to indicate the reason. Likewise, the user can cancel the experience without the need to justify any reason, with the right to a refund of the full amount paid, provided that the cancellation is made 6 hours before the experience starts.
    • For any incident in the processing of the order, the User may contact by e-mail to the following address experience@gastrocult.com.
    • Foodiestay will return the total amount paid in case of impossibility to provide the service of the contracted gastronomic experience.
  • Our entity is a member of Confianza Online (non-profit association), registered in the National Register of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Calle la Palma 59, Bajo A., 28015 Madrid (Spain), telephone (+34) 91 309 13 47 and fax (+34) 91 402 83 39(www.confianzaonline.es).

    These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. Also, in compliance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, we inform consumers that, as a member and under the terms of the Code of Ethics, users can go to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of any disputes(https://www.confianzaonline.es/como-reclamar/formulario-de-reclamaciones/). If these refer to electronic transactions with consumers, or on data protection when related to this area, the complaints will be resolved by the Mediation Committee of Confianza Online, accredited for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes. If the complaints are about digital advertising, or about data protection when related to this area, they will be submitted to the Self-Control Advertising Jury.

    We also remind you that you can access the online dispute resolution platform of the European Union by following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.

  • Foodiestay informs the User that it has no obligation to send him/her as a consumer a withdrawal document to revoke the contract of the service offered through our website within the legal deadlines, as it is within the exceptions established in articles 102 and 103 of the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16th November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, which provides that, in addition to the provision of accommodation services for purposes other than housing, the transport of goods, car rental and food, "services related to leisure activities, if the contracts provide for a specific date or period of performance", such as the experiences offered by Foodiestay, are exempt from the right of withdrawal.

    In the event that the User wishes to request the cancellation of his/her reservation, he/she must send an e-mail to the following address: experiences@gastrocult.com

    If there are specific cancellation conditions for a particular experience, these will be indicated in the "conditions" section of the offer. If there are no specific conditions, the following cancellation charges will apply:

    • Management fees, corresponding to 10% of the total amount of the reservation.
    • Cancellation charges, if any, correspond to the total cancellation charges imposed by suppliers.
    • A pity that consists in the:
      • 5% of the total amount of the reservation, if the cancellation is made more than 10 days before the beginning of the experience.
      • 10% of the total amount of the reservation, if the cancellation occurs more than 3 and less than 10 days before the beginning of the experience.
      • 20% of the total amount of the reservation, if the cancellation occurs within 48 hours before the beginning of the experience

    If the user wishes to request a change in relation to the dates or persons included in their reservation, they should send an e-mail to the following address: experiences@gastrocult.com

    Applications received will be processed from the time of booking until seven days before the start of the experience.

    FoodieStay SL will make the necessary arrangements with the provider of the services included in the reservation, and will inform the user if it is possible or not to make the requested modification. Any change or modification after the sale, will involve a supplement of 20 euros of modification management costs per reservation. In addition, the user must pay the additional justified expenses that arise from the requested change.

    Cancellation of the experience by the organizer

    • The cancellation of the experience, for any reason not attributable to the consumer, gives you the right to terminate the contract with the rights provided in these Terms and Conditions.
    • If the cancellation of the trip is communicated within two months prior to the FoodieStay experience, the consumer will be required to pay compensation based on the time remaining before departure, which will be
      • 5% of the price of the experience if it is more than 15 days and less than 2 months before.
      • 10% of the price of the experience, if it is done between 15 and 3 days before.
      • 25% of the price of the experience, if it occurs within 48 hours prior to departure

    There is no obligation to compensate in the following cases:

    • In this case, Gastrocult will communicate the cancellation to the consumer at least 10 days before the planned start date of the experience.
    • When the cancellation of the experience is due to force majeure Force majeure is defined as abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances beyond FoodieStay's control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided, despite the fact that it acted with due diligence.

    Special note on the status of COVID-19

    The Covid-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented global crisis for the entire experience industry, resulting in an unprecedented number of cancellations and restrictions worldwide. Consequently, FoodieStay, in line with other companies, is implementing exceptional measures with regard to these cancelled stocks. Please contact FoodieStay at experiences@gastrocult.com.

    • Lack of presentation in the experience

    There will be a lack of presentation if the consumer does not communicate his willingness not to perform the experience and does not show up at the time and place scheduled.

    In this case, you lose the right to a refund of the amounts delivered and remain obliged to pay any outstanding amounts.

    If the lack of presentation occurs due to force majeure, the consumer will be entitled to a refund of the amounts delivered, except for the management costs and the costs of cancellation of the reservation at that time.

    For this purpose, and without limitation, the death, accident or serious illness of the consumer or any of the persons with whom he/she lives, or any other similar event that prevents him/her from participating in the experience and informing FoodieStay of this impossibility before his/her departure, will be considered as force majeure.

    Download your dismissal form here.
  • At the time of purchase, the final price for the dinner experience will be displayed in Euros, including VAT.

    The user has the right to receive the paper and electronic invoice free of charge, when voluntarily or by legal obligation it is available in this format and has been expressly requested. In this case, it would be necessary to provide prior information on how the user could request it again in paper format.

  • If you have any questions or need to tell us something you can do so: Send us an e-mail to experience@gastrocult.com Calling us by phone at +34 914676680 Sending us a message through the form in the Contact section.

  • The user can submit a complaint or claim to the Customer Service Department by e-mail (sent to the address of this service mentioned above). Foodiestay also has at its customers' disposal complaint forms, which will be sent to them by e-mail when they request them.

    Force majeure assumptions

    We will refund the amounts paid for an Experience if you cancel an order for an Experience without cancellation insurance due to Force Majeure, although you will have to provide certain documentation in the cases where we indicate this:

    • Death of the user who provides the experience, the user who hires it, or any of the attendees or an immediate family member of any of them. In these cases, a death certificate must be provided.
    • Serious illness or injury of the user providing the experience, the user contracting the experience, or any of the attendees You must provide a medical certificate confirming that the person is unable to travel due to the illness or injury.
    • It calls for being a member of a polling station, being part of a jury, appearing in court or anything else that the User could not know at the time of hiring the Experience. The notification received after the accepted offer including the name of the User.
    • Airport or road closures and flight cancellations that make travel to your destination impossible Must document road or airport closures or flight cancellations
    • Security alerts for mobilizations or political disturbances in the user's home or destination area.
    • Changes to visa or passport requirements that prevent travel to the destination.
    • Natural disasters in the area of origin or destination of the user (major storms, earthquakes, floods, etc.).

    If you have suffered a case of force majeure, cancel your reservation and inform us of the reasons and contact us to confirm whether you are entitled to a refund by submitting the necessary documentation, if applicable, within 20 days of the cancellation.

    Disclaimer of gastronomic experts

    To participate in an Experience, the Expert User you hire and we contact requires that you agree to the following disclaimer, which applies from the time you accept the Experience. The User who accepts the offer of the Gastronomic Experience warrants that he or she is 18 years of age or older. If you are a minor, you are solely responsible for your supervision of that minor and for any harm caused to him or her during the Experience. You acknowledge and agree that

    • The user has been informed of the Experience and has voluntarily decided to do so.
    • The user will not participate if he or she suffers from any physical or mental illness that may be affected by the contracted activity.
    • The user shall act reasonably and responsibly with the instructions and precautions notified or warned to him.
    • You agree that if any of the agreed waivers are declared void, the remaining waivers will remain in effect.
    • The user can only claim damages from the expert in gastronomy for the fraudulent or negligent actions. None of them will be able to claim for such action to Foodiestay owner of the platform that has put him/her in contact.
    • The user acknowledges having read and accepted the present disclaimers freely and voluntarily.

    "Our entity is a member of Confianza Online (a non-profit association), registered in the National Register of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Calle la Palma 59, Bajo A., 28015 Madrid (Spain), telephone (+34) 91 309 13 47 and fax (+34) 91 402 83 39 (www.confianzaonline.es). These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law. Also, in compliance with the provisions of the Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution, we inform consumers that, as a member and under the terms of the Code of Ethics, users can go to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of any dispute (https://www.confianzaonline.es/como-reclamar/formulario-de-reclamaciones/). In the event that they refer to electronic transactions with consumers, or data protection when related to this area, the complaints will be resolved by the Mediation Committee of Confianza Online, accredited for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes. If the complaints refer to digital advertising, or to data protection when related to this area, they will be presented to the Advertising Self-Control Jury. We also remind you that you can access the European Union's online dispute resolution platform via the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show".